Rules and regulations play an important role in all the human relationship. They art the directions and guiding on and all . They help us to discriminate between what one should do and one should not do. Institution plays an important role in the formation of habits, attitudes, ideas nurture, promote decency, courtesy, confidence and freedom in the young child in order to become useful man / member of society. Institution believe in infusing a sense of discipline in the students without letting them feel and does it upon their natural traits.
A candidate is supposed to furnish with actual information in the application form. Any false/surprised information will be caused for his/her expulsion from the Institute.
Students are required to make his/her identity card with recent photographs & duly signed by Principal. Students are required to bring the identity card daily. On verification if identity card will not be found in the possession of the students, Principal may not allow that student to attend class.
In case the identity card has been lost the student must give immediate information to the Principal in writing with proper reason of loss. A fresh identity card will be issued on payment fix by the Institution.
Every student is supposed to attend 75% of classes (Theory, Practical & Sessionals) failing which he/she shall not be allowed to appear in the Semester Examination as per SCTE & VT rule.
Student must not be absent from the Institutional for the period of six consecutive days without the permission of Principal/ Vice Principal/ HOD
If the conduct of the students in their classes or in the premises of the College will cause the disturbance in the academic atmosphere the principal may expelled them and their fees will be forfeited.
If the Character of a student is found against the academic norms & principle, it is liable to take a hard action against them including fine.
If for any reason the continuance of the student in the college, in the opinion of the Principal is detrimental to the best interest of the College, the Principal may ask such student to leave the College without giving reason for his/her decision.
During leisure time student must not loiter about in the College premises. They should make use of the College Library.
Students will not be allowed to take part in current politics. None of the student should communicate any information or write about matter dealing with the administration of the college to the press.
No student will be invited to address a meeting/ any program/ any function without the prior permission of the Principal.
Non compliance of the rules of the College may also be dealt with the means of suitable stringent action.
College maintains a well equipped library. Students can take benefit of the books/Journals/ magazines provided under rules which can be ascertained from the Librarian.